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Of Special Interest

Meet Cassie
Small Picture of Cassie
One family shares its anguish after Meth impacts them, in hopes that others will learn.


A View of Meth Addiction
Jeff Koterba - a political cartoonist for the Omaha World-Herald newspaper - offers a unique look at the progression of Meth use.  Click the thumbnail sketch to view the entire cartoon.



"My Name is Crystal Meth"
The despair and devastation of a Meth addict, expressed in poetry.

Angels in Black
A child's view of living in a Meth home - and what it's like to be rescued.


What is Meth?vDrug Endangered ChildrenvParents/TeensvProperty Issues
Personal Safety
vSchools/BusinessesvIndian CountryvMedical/Dental
2000 Prairie View Prevention, Inc.